Clinical research stands at the forefront of medical progress, revolutionizing healthcare practices with each groundbreaking achievement. Here, we explore clinical trials and their profound effect on medicine as an institution.
Trial participants play an invaluable role in medical science research and treatment development. Acquiring informed consent is vital in making sure participants fully comprehend both the risks and benefits associated with participating.
Clinical Research and Clinical Trials provide the most thorough way of demonstrating a new treatment or clinical approach’s efficacy and safety; however, current trials can be complex, labor-intensive, and expensive – leading to higher trial failure rates due to poor patient cohort selection or recruitment processes.
SpinoS equips clinical trial strategists with the tools needed to make effective decisions at just the right moment. The platform provides real-time feasibility analyses across 70 countries, eliminating manual searches of multiple data sources. With modules such as Standard of Care, Patient Feasibility and more available on SpinoS, time spent collecting data can be significantly reduced.
SpinoS’s integration with IQVIA Connect enables strategists to easily create custom reports based on specific insights or information, sharing findings with their teams for easy tracking of project status updates and access. This ensures critical data remains accessible at all times for team collaboration purposes.
SpinoS provides strategic teams with all of the tools they need to better comprehend local medical and regulatory environments, while simultaneously helping them identify sites with proven recruitment success for clinical trials. By filtering results based on key parameters, they can select a site more likely to result in successful recruitment outcomes and maximize ROI.
SpinoS’s Patient Feasibility module offers unparalleled insight into how drugs may fit into the standard of care in various countries, enabling experts to quickly locate eligible participants willing to participate in trials; ultimately ensuring a potential new therapy has the highest chances of success.
Meg has spent 20 years in clinical trials industry and is passionate about finding innovative solutions to Australian patients in health care. Meg works closely with Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and South Western Sydney Local Health District to support clinical trial activities that increase patient access in regional, rural and outer metropolitan areas.
AI-Powered Chat for Clinical Trial Strategists
Clinical trials are an integral component of drug discovery, but they can be costly and time-consuming. To streamline their recruitment processes more efficiently, researchers are turning to AI-powered chatbots as part of patient selection and recruitment efforts.
An AI chatbot can streamline this process by reviewing candidates’ medical records and asking pertinent questions to determine whether they qualify for specific trials; additionally, this chatbot can answer any inquiries from potential participants about what to expect during clinical trials and provide more informed participation decisions from all potential candidates.
AI-powered chatbots not only streamline recruitment processes, but can also reduce unqualified candidate numbers – which improves clinical trial success rates and drug development processes – leading to lifesaving treatments sooner. Indeed, one study revealed that AI can increase chances of finding eligible patients by up to 50% while decreasing recruitment costs by as much as 30%.
However, it should be remembered that while AI technology offers tremendous promise, it must first be thoroughly evaluated within a clinical trial context before being considered a replacement for other technologies or tools. A governance model must also be in place in order to ensure any AI-powered tool is used appropriately.
As AI technologies progress, they will bring numerous advantages to clinical development teams. AI can currently be used to process and classify Trial Master File documents and enable centralized risk-based trial monitoring, predict and tailor recruitment strategies before trials launch, assist with patient retention efforts, predict dropout risk predictions and interventions, predict and tailor recruitment strategy before trial launches as well as assist with dropout prediction/intervention efforts.
AI tools can also assist clinical development efforts in other ways, including patient engagement and personalized medicine. Some companies are employing AI to identify patients more likely to respond positively to specific treatments; this allows companies to position their drugs more efficiently within an increasingly crowded indications list.
As well as AI for clinical trial design purposes, some companies are also using it to optimize clinical trial designs. QuantHealth’s Clinical-Simulator uses AI to simulate patient clinical outcomes based on their biology – helping with cohort optimization, indication selection, in-licensing asset evaluation and other mission-critical decisions.
SpinoS’s Global Expansion
Clinical trials are an invaluable way for medical, surgical and behavioral interventions to be tested to see if they are safe and effective treatments for specific diseases. They also give researchers invaluable insights that enable breakthrough discoveries within healthcare.
As the global clinical trial landscape changes, researchers and pharmaceutical companies require access to accurate, timely data. A variety of tools have emerged over recent years to facilitate planning of clinical trials from those which analyze historical or planned research data to those which source de-identified patient medical records.
However, many of these tools only address specific aspects of planning the trial, leaving an important gap that’s often forgotten: an overview of available trial locations and recruitment rates in a given geographic region.
FindMeCure, a technology company dedicated to bringing research closer to patients, is expanding its capabilities with SpinoS, an interactive platform which will aid CROs and sponsor companies in planning clinical studies more precisely. SpinoS collects real-time information from thousands of sources to provide accurate data regarding trial feasibility, site selection and recruitment.
SpinoS provides more than just trial activity and recruitment data – its Standard of Care module quickly provides insight into reimbursement status, which is often time consuming to research and compile. As such, SpinoS serves as an ideal resource for planners at pharmaceuticals or contract research organizations (CROs) looking to expedite proposal preparation processes quickly.
Roy Ovel has recently assumed the position of Chief Commercial Officer at FindMeCure and will focus on expanding SpinoS, FindMeCure’s proprietary research data intelligence gathering platform that provides real-time clinical trial feasibility and patient insights for CROs and sponsor strategists. Roy will work to drive its commercial success while fulfilling on its promise to bring research closer to patients. To discover how SpinoS could benefit your business please reach out today –
SpinoS’s Strategic Utility for Healthcare Executives
SpinoS provides support for the establishment of clinical trial networks in outer metropolitan and regional/rural regions, offering efficient ways for participants to take part in trials that contribute to new therapies and improved patient outcomes while building clinical research capability, capacity, and capacity of local healthcare sectors.
Health services participating in clinical trials face one of their greatest challenges when conducting trials: making sure their staff has access to adequate training and skills necessary for trial execution. To meet this need, health services must invest in education and monitoring systems, mentor formative sites under development, as well as implement processes for evaluating and reporting on institutional KPIs (such as average calendar days between contract signing and activation of sites).
These factors are at the core of SpinoS Maturity Curve, which illustrates five levels of health services capable of conducting clinical trials from formative through to established and high-performing units. By clearly outlining what each level requires and measuring progress against that framework, health services can identify where their strengths lie and maximize the impact of resources and efforts on patient outcomes.
SpinoS provides an effective data intelligence platform to assist trial strategists with this. SpinoS helps trial strategists quickly and accurately assess clinical trial feasibility in target countries quickly using real-time patient insights, standard of care insights and location data from local experts. Using its Feasibility Index feature, SpinoS prioritizes locations most suitable for trial protocols by connecting their treatment protocols to local standard of care treatments – providing trial strategists with fast turnaround for analysis of feasibility.
SpinoS empowers professionals Clinical Research Services with unrivaled access to medical knowledge that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to assemble manually, enabling them to perform accurate quantitative and qualitative feasibility within seconds, giving CROs and Pharma companies unprecedented precision when planning clinical trials – so as to provide more informed patient-centric decisions for optimal patient outcomes.